Afternoon of Reflection & Remembrance
November 18, 2023
12:00 - 3:00 PM
St. Patrick Community
10815 No. 84th Street, Scottsdale, AZ
A comforting program that offers grieving mothers & grandmothers new ways to discover a “Brighter Light” this coming Advent & Christmas season. The afternoon will conclude with a Memorial Mass.
About the Afternoon of Reflection & Remembrance
Hosted by Sacred Sorrows and supported by the Crosier Fathers and Brothers in Phoenix, this nurturing program has been developed to bring comfort and peace to a difficult journey. All grieving mothers and grandmothers (no matter how long, or how recent, it has been since your loss) are invited to join Fr. Stephan Bauer, OSC., Mrs. Jenelle Van Brunt, grieving mother and long-time women’s ministry leader, and members of the leadership team of Sacred Sorrows, as they present:
Brighter Light: From Darkness to Hope.
A special memorial Mass will conclude our afternoon event.
Attendance is free - reservations are required. Suggested donation onsite: $25
Questions? Email rita@sacredsorrows.org
St. Patrick Community, 10815 N. 84th Street, Scottsdale, AZ