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Finding peace on retreat

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Updated: Dec 21, 2022

Our recent "Mother's Love & Loss" retreat on the beautiful grounds of the Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos Hills deeply impacted the lives of the 22 grieving mothers in attendance.

Here's what some of them had to say about it:

"Precious bereaved sister-moms: Come to a Sacred Sorrows retreat!

To be nurtured; to drink in compassion and understanding; to remember your

precious child, to connect with other moms; to have a tremendously meaningful

experience; to find comfort, validation and hope in His Word; to be still; to give

your heart time and space to feel; to find your authentic core; and to feel His Love.”

– Patty

"I was blessed to be part of this retreat with such a beautiful group of women who, though coming from various places and circumstances, were united in our common bond. We opened our hearts to each other and God as we honored our children.” – Jenny

“This retreat gave me the peaceful space to connect with my child and opened

my heart to reconnect with my spirituality.” – Sue H.

“I came to this retreat with such an empty, lost feeling. I was full of fear to feel more grief. I am leaving with hope and the knowledge that I am not alone.” – Kathie

“If you are weary and soul-heavy under the weight of a grieving heart you are not alone.

Come join the sisterhood of mothers swimming in our collective ocean of tears and

enter the backdrop of God’s mystery. We are strong together as God reveals himself to

each member of the group, and we learn more about unconditional love, faith, hope,

and the potential for joy – and the millions of ways the Lord shows up for us in the midst

of our sorrow.” – Cherra

“This retreat was such a great experience. I have grown stronger in my faith and was able to see signs that my beloved children are with me and with God. I hope to return to this beautiful place of healing.” – Carly

“The best thing about this retreat was the people! The second best thing was the

feeling I had of being “taken care of”. I received so many gifts! Some were handmade

which is always extra special for me. I think that feeling so much care, and having every

one of my needs met, allowed me to focus on myself and my feelings.” – Cerry

“Give yourself the gift of a retreat. Sacred Sorrows is a place you can come with no judgment, in a safe environment, to be whoever you are. Gain new beginnings without leaving anything behind. There is plenty of time to work on your journey individually and with the support of the group. The program is well planned and paced just right for a grieving mom.” – Meagen

“Everyday was a blessing at the Sacred Sorrows retreat.”

“I am very glad I came because the team enabled each of us to ritualize the passing of our children, and it was all done so very simply and meaningfully. The understanding that all of us are in different places on our journey, and the care that each of us were given, was wonderful.” - Victoria

“Everything was very organized and well-planned. I loved all the activities. I feel more

liberated being with these lovely women who have lost their children. I’m not as bound

up in my own pain and loss. I now feel closer to God and my son.” – Sue S.

“This retreat renewed my faith and gave me a desire to be more active in ministering to others. I learned how to stay out of the darkness – and enter the light with God and our children.” – Jennifer

“For the first time in my life I have felt completely comfortable and happy about sharing

with everyone about my sorrow of surrendering my beautiful baby to adoption in 1964

and was not made to feel shame. It was also the first time I truly felt like a real mother

and maybe even a beautiful one! I came to this retreat because my son passed away

several years after we were reunited. This weekend was the first time I have cried since

1977. I love everyone here so much!” – Donna

“This retreat was a beautiful respite from my grief. Very well-run, organized, beautiful setting, the views, the art, the camaraderie…” – Irene

“These retreats are life-changing for me. Both retreats have blessed my life beyond measure! They’ve also brought me back to my daughter, who is still here on earth, needing my love.” – Diane

Save the date! Our next grieving mothers retreat is scheduled for April 20-23, 2023. For more information, click here:


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